This week was assessment time for my UKCC2 and after it beng such a long time since I did my BHSAI or any exams for that matter I was a little nervous to be in front of an examiner again! After a very early start of half four in the morning my horses were all shocked to see me and even more so when I threw them out in the field when they were tucked up warm in their stables quite happily. I made my way down to Dorset and had a successful day, I actually enjoyed the assessment lesson and the two riders I had were lovely. I had excellent feedback from both the assessor and riders which is a real confidence boost for my next step to my BHS Intermediate teaching and UKCC3 which I hope to take early in 2013, now all I have to do is find lots of guinea pigs to practise on over the winter to perfect my lunge lessons :)
A blog about a Shire x TB showjumper (a.k.a. Picnic) and her stablemates sharing news on training, competing and the ups and downs of showjumping and horse ownership!
A new rug, coaching assessments and early mornings
This week was assessment time for my UKCC2 and after it beng such a long time since I did my BHSAI or any exams for that matter I was a little nervous to be in front of an examiner again! After a very early start of half four in the morning my horses were all shocked to see me and even more so when I threw them out in the field when they were tucked up warm in their stables quite happily. I made my way down to Dorset and had a successful day, I actually enjoyed the assessment lesson and the two riders I had were lovely. I had excellent feedback from both the assessor and riders which is a real confidence boost for my next step to my BHS Intermediate teaching and UKCC3 which I hope to take early in 2013, now all I have to do is find lots of guinea pigs to practise on over the winter to perfect my lunge lessons :)
Showjumping Shire jumps well at Hartpury
Arrived at Hartpury along with the rest of the country judging by how many people were there! I'm not sure if nothing else was on this weekend or events had been cancelled but it was the busiest I'd seen and the first class didn't finish until after midday!!! (Thankfully Picnic does not mind standing on the lorry as long as she has food she is very happy). Eventually walked the course got Picnic ready then made our way over to the warm up which thankfully had quietened down as I put us down towards the end of the class. After out lesson yesterday working on more control of the quarters in canter and changes Picnic felt incredibly loose and elastic right from the work go - I felt like I was sat on a pocket rocket! Feeling very pleased with the way we were jumping I decided to stop while the going was good and wait until we went down to the main arena warm up before popping over a final couple of jumps. When we were called down she felt equally as good except she got a little over excited at the tunnel to the arena refusing to go in so we had to make a speedy entrance then get back under control and reset before starting the course. Aiming for a steady double clear and trying to put into practise everything from our lesson yesterday we set off after the bell, I enjoyed every minute and although at times I knew we could have picked up the pace a little and cut inside some jumps I did have at the back of my mind - if I let her cover the ground and go on between the fences I couldn't guarantee I'd get her back again as she was feeling very 'bubbly' - so I was very happy with a clean and consistent round. Due to the time it was taking to get through the classes and I still had Socks to exercise on return home sadly we only managed the one class which was a shame as Picnic was feeling so well but we'll be out again next week for the Blue Chip Power qualifier so fingers crossed for a repeat performance!
Snow, floods and training at home
The lovely British weather strikes again and what a long winter ahead is in store when its snowing before we are hardly into November! I have had a week of getting soaked while trying to do anything be it teaching, riding or just emptying the wheelbarrow however I have used the miserable weather as an excuse to swot up and experiment on some new schooling exercises to keep my horses enthusiastic and build up their strength ready for the winter season competing.
An exercise I'd like to share is one I have found very useful to improve the canter and get horses sitting with more weight behind, waiting for the fences and producing a better jump - it is also great if like me you are working your horses on your own with no ground help it enables you to practise jumping without having to keep getting off to change fences around - for safety keep them small as more cavaletti style if you are on your own, or at a height you are comfortable. The exercise is simple jumping off a 20m circle, but has a little twist in that the jump is set at an angle on the circle a couple of strides before 'X' one fence as a cross pole at each end of the arena so you have 2 circles and able to swap reins without moving anything - work at one end of the school on one rein then change rein and go to the other end approaching each jump on the curve rather than straight. Put your horse in shoulder-in on the circle and remain so on approach to the fence and do not adjust the stride sit and wait encouraging the hind legs to step under at all times allowing the horse to get right underneath the jump remaining on the circle line on landing and carrying on, putting the horse back in shoulder-in and approach the jump again, this exercise can be done in trot before moving on to canter. I then also added a fence on the long side by 'B' so I could straighen the horse out and see if I still had the same feeling on a straight line into the fence of a much more connected canter with the horse up in front without placing the horse just allowing the stride to remain consistent and balanced to the fence. It really makes both of you work hard and ensures you are working on a powerful canter pushing forward as you have to keep the impulsion and flexion to remain in shoulder-in. You can vary this exercise to suit your horse, I found by adding in smaller circles, perhaps every other time you approach the fence miss it out by turning inside on a circle to encourage a lazy horse to use its hind leg and overemphasize the 'skip' as its hind leg comes under, maybe try changing to traver on the circle or approaching from the other direction to ensure you have the horse between hand and leg as the angle is such the opportunist may run out, I will try to get some photos or videos of my horses training at home but as I work on my own a lot with the horses I can't promise it will be soon! I have a lesson this week before I am out competing at Hartpury Saturday so I should have some pictures and videos to share of us out and about.
Going back to the bad weather last week, yesterday (Sunday) was by far the worst for a while, unfortunately the lane to our yard floods which means without a 4x4 its always quite nervewracking driving through it in my Ford Focus when you cannot see the road and a bow wave runs alongside as you make your way through (photos below show just how bad the lane can get - and yes the mighty Ford Focus battles on through). After finally making it to the yard the fields resemble lakes and the sheep looked like drowned rats so I felt so sorry for our ram that I offered him an umbrella for a while - they do have lots of hedges and trees to get under but for some reason animals never use the shelter available and would much rather be out in the open getting soaked! The horses spennt the day in and were very content munching away tucked up warm in their stables looking out at the flooded fields and watching the snow become increasingly heavier. Thankfully by the afternoon it all stopped and I was able to ride without getting wet - result!!!
The training begins ...
A quiet weekend training at home for Picnic and she is looking and feeling great at the moment, the extra time meant we could spend time on some gymnastic work which is invaluable to keep her supple. Socks also was put through her paces down the grid and seems to be getting stronger behind starting to really sit and push but gets tired very quickly so keeping sessions short so she stays keen!
Picnic feeling well and looking good |
Socks posing! (Photo courtesy of Fiona Crawford |
As promised here are some pictures from Socks' weekend away training at Stockland Lovell earlier in October. She slept for two days afterwards - being a well behaved model 4 year old takes a lot apparently!
Thats the way to do it! (Photo courtesy of Fiona Crawford |
ShowjumpingShire on Animalife Sponsorship, back to school and time out at the pub!
Exciting news I have received an e-mail from Animalife accepting us onto the sponsorship programme not sure what it will consist of yet but very pleased to be working with them and will keep checking my e-mails for further updates.
More news on the mail front is that my course coaching pack arrived on my doormat for my top up course to gain my UKCC2. Being a freelance instructor I decided I wanted to add to my BHS qualifications with the aim of eventually becoming a BS accredited trainer so first step was to get onto the UK Coaching Certificate path and work towards entry for next September onto the UKCC3 showjumping specific award in coaching. Having gained my BHSAI many years ago it is going to be a shock to the system 'going back to school' and preparing for exams and building portfolios but I am really looking forward to it as all the hard work and studying will be worth it in the end!
After all the excitement a well deserved ride in the sunshine was on the cards and of course we had to celebrate with a drink, it would be rude not to!!!
More news on the mail front is that my course coaching pack arrived on my doormat for my top up course to gain my UKCC2. Being a freelance instructor I decided I wanted to add to my BHS qualifications with the aim of eventually becoming a BS accredited trainer so first step was to get onto the UK Coaching Certificate path and work towards entry for next September onto the UKCC3 showjumping specific award in coaching. Having gained my BHSAI many years ago it is going to be a shock to the system 'going back to school' and preparing for exams and building portfolios but I am really looking forward to it as all the hard work and studying will be worth it in the end!
After all the excitement a well deserved ride in the sunshine was on the cards and of course we had to celebrate with a drink, it would be rude not to!!!
Showjumping shire wondering where the cider is |
Showjumpingshire enjoys being back out competing
It was a foggy day on Sunday so much so that you could only see half the arena at summerhouse and horses disappeared for part of the course! Slowly the sun made an appearance and the conditions improved by the time our classes were up, we took two horses but unfortunately Amber looked out of sorts in the warm up so we withdrew her so hopefully just something minor and nothing a few days rest won't sort out.
Picnic was on top form in the warm up and very keen to be back out as she was taking great delight over-jumping every fence just checking I had a secure seat! She didn't take too long to settle and in the Discovery jumped a fantastic round only tipping the penultimate fence to finish on 4 faults but other than that I was impressed with her attitude and we had no fighting or snatching and jumped all combinations spot on. In the 1.05m we were first to go and she jumped a great round coping with the additional height in the second half brilliantly so relief over we can get back out jumping newcomers, the showjumpingshire is back :)
Socks had a very successful outing at Stockland Lovell last weekend, as a 4 year old I am very excited about her for next year as she is showing amazing scope over a fence. The weekend consisted of a flatwork session, a grid, a course and a xc session but unfortunately the weather had been so awful that the course was too wet to get out there so we will have to wait to find out what she thinks of the great outdoors! She behaved impecably on day one working beautifully on the flat and then in the gridwork she was foot perfect taking everything in her stride with no hesitation and putting 110% in, very proud!!! I think a little brain overload and feeling rather full of herself the next morning I had to ensure I had my sticky bum jods on as she was a little full of it but still able to produce a great shape over a fence even if the bits in between were a bit hairy. By the afternoon she had settled and had a super session jumping a course even managing to throw in some changes! Photos to follow :)
Picnic was on top form in the warm up and very keen to be back out as she was taking great delight over-jumping every fence just checking I had a secure seat! She didn't take too long to settle and in the Discovery jumped a fantastic round only tipping the penultimate fence to finish on 4 faults but other than that I was impressed with her attitude and we had no fighting or snatching and jumped all combinations spot on. In the 1.05m we were first to go and she jumped a great round coping with the additional height in the second half brilliantly so relief over we can get back out jumping newcomers, the showjumpingshire is back :)
Socks had a very successful outing at Stockland Lovell last weekend, as a 4 year old I am very excited about her for next year as she is showing amazing scope over a fence. The weekend consisted of a flatwork session, a grid, a course and a xc session but unfortunately the weather had been so awful that the course was too wet to get out there so we will have to wait to find out what she thinks of the great outdoors! She behaved impecably on day one working beautifully on the flat and then in the gridwork she was foot perfect taking everything in her stride with no hesitation and putting 110% in, very proud!!! I think a little brain overload and feeling rather full of herself the next morning I had to ensure I had my sticky bum jods on as she was a little full of it but still able to produce a great shape over a fence even if the bits in between were a bit hairy. By the afternoon she had settled and had a super session jumping a course even managing to throw in some changes! Photos to follow :)
ShowjumpingShire back in action and ready to go!
Apologies for lack of posts but Picnic has been out of action and enjoying life as a field pet for a little while. Now fully recovered and back in a fitness regime which has been eventful as she is in very high spirits being back in work! Slowly settling down and getting over the initial excitement of jumping again where brakes and control were a big issue, we are soon to be back out and ready for the winter season and qualifiers :)
Having some time off has given me a chance to spend time refreshing my knowledge and brushing up my skills as I have decided to train towards my UKCC3 next year showjumping specific. I have attended lecture and demos from various trainers and also taken the opportunity to take my youngster away for intensive training sessions at AM Dressage with Matt Frost in the hopes to really give her the best start and make sure all the basics are in place before we get carried away jumping, my time there also included my attempt at being a dressage rider on one of their schoolmasters that is trained to Grand Prix. I didn't do too bad for a showjumper and yes I have to admit I thoroughly enjoyed playing with piaffe and passage round the arena!!! However I have not been coverted yet but it did my riding wonders and I can really notice a difference back home riding my horses with a stronger position (also made me realise I need to do more pilates to strenthen my core as my stomach muscles ached for two days after)
Next stop is weekend away with Socks showjumping and cross country schooling - watch this space to see how we get on....
Having some time off has given me a chance to spend time refreshing my knowledge and brushing up my skills as I have decided to train towards my UKCC3 next year showjumping specific. I have attended lecture and demos from various trainers and also taken the opportunity to take my youngster away for intensive training sessions at AM Dressage with Matt Frost in the hopes to really give her the best start and make sure all the basics are in place before we get carried away jumping, my time there also included my attempt at being a dressage rider on one of their schoolmasters that is trained to Grand Prix. I didn't do too bad for a showjumper and yes I have to admit I thoroughly enjoyed playing with piaffe and passage round the arena!!! However I have not been coverted yet but it did my riding wonders and I can really notice a difference back home riding my horses with a stronger position (also made me realise I need to do more pilates to strenthen my core as my stomach muscles ached for two days after)
Next stop is weekend away with Socks showjumping and cross country schooling - watch this space to see how we get on....
Socks 4 year old - intensive training day one! |
Socks - first time jumping away from home |
My attempt at dressage - I do have those stomach muscles somewhere... |
ShowjumpingShire enjoys a rest
Well our weekend away was very mixed and the great British Weather didn't disappoint, on the first night there were points when I thought the lorry was going to get blown over and woke up several times to howling wind and heavy downpours worrying about whether the stable roofs would still be on! Thankfully they were but walking past the rings on the way to the stables a definate delayed start would be on the cards as all the jumps had been blown down and in need of a course rebuild. This was the theme for the whole weekend really but the sun did make an appearance every now and then between showers. Class one was the most intersting course I've ever ridden, we entered the 1.05m adventurer Scope Qualifer and the course kept moving due to boggy patches of ground and when I left to warm up there was a straight line combination to a two stride double but when we were on route jumping the combination was now a dog leg to a one stride double, which took me by surprise as on approach the jumps we were expecting were not there so added a circle to reorganise as was on completely the wrong stride and angle for the dog leg, at which point she jumped round the rest of the course well albeit a bit slow as she was finding the boggy ground quite hard going, the jumps felt 10cm bigger after sinking so deep on take off :) Putting that behind us we had a good round in the Regonal Final warm up class jumping double clear and placing 6th but unfortunately had a pole in the main class at the penultimate fence running down hill. More rain and wind meant jumping was quite demanding, the ground was now very soft and slightly slippery and I was very proud of Picnic still jumping boldly in these conditions, once again we were plagued by 4 faults but she jumped so well I couldn't complain - at least know I know we can jump in all conditions! Picnic is now having a few days rest to recover and enjoy herself in the field.
Just woken up!!! |
ShowjumpingShire on the run up to a busy weekend at SWSJC
Entires are in for a busy weekend at the SWSJC for the Discovery Regional Final now all we need is the weather to arrive bright and early Friday morning and remain until Sunday!!!
Fingers crossed its not cancelled due to the lovely British weather as on our last attempt at getting to the Regional Final the lorry broke down so we'll try again hopefully with more success. Picnic feels on form and jumping well so we will have to wait see what Picnic comes out the lorry on Friday - hopefully the rosette winning one as we'd like to qualify for Scope over the weekend as well... watch this space!!!
Fingers crossed its not cancelled due to the lovely British weather as on our last attempt at getting to the Regional Final the lorry broke down so we'll try again hopefully with more success. Picnic feels on form and jumping well so we will have to wait see what Picnic comes out the lorry on Friday - hopefully the rosette winning one as we'd like to qualify for Scope over the weekend as well... watch this space!!!
ShowJumpingShire shows a dislike to rustic fences
17 June 2012 - Area 42 show was held at West Wilts Equestrian Centre in the new outdoor arena. This is the first time we've been to West Wilts in a very long time and the new warm up and main arena have a superb surface and set of show jumps we'd highly recommend!
The day did not go quite to plan and Picnic decided that it was about time she showed some 'personality'. First a bit of background as to why Picnic did not want to play ball:
The previous day while out showjumping at Wales and West we were approached to ask if Picnic competes in Maxi Cobs and Hunters? The lady was really impressed by how well she jumped she thought her 'type' was ideal. Now we are used to by now seeing surprised expressions when Picnic jumps and looks 'athletic' but this is a first to be thought of as a showing horse!
So we entered the Scope 1m Qualifier, the course started really well and Picnic felt on form but then... Fence 4 was a rustic, now Picnic has jumped rustics many times before and really is a horse that doesn't stop so when she put the anchors on and shot off to the left it was quite a surprise, even more so when re-presented to it she popped over and continued the course clear as if nothing had happened!!! Attached is the video of our round
Putting that class to one side I thought we'd enter the next class as she was jumping really well and keen. Once again the round started well and approached in much more collected canter into the rustic to make sure we didn't have a repeat performance - how wrong could I be??? This time she took it on then put back down ducking into the bottom of it, slightly unseated but still on board I politely told her off before our 2nd attempt, and again popped over and completed the course jumping all combinations and more spooky fences!
The day did not go quite to plan and Picnic decided that it was about time she showed some 'personality'. First a bit of background as to why Picnic did not want to play ball:
The previous day while out showjumping at Wales and West we were approached to ask if Picnic competes in Maxi Cobs and Hunters? The lady was really impressed by how well she jumped she thought her 'type' was ideal. Now we are used to by now seeing surprised expressions when Picnic jumps and looks 'athletic' but this is a first to be thought of as a showing horse!
So we entered the Scope 1m Qualifier, the course started really well and Picnic felt on form but then... Fence 4 was a rustic, now Picnic has jumped rustics many times before and really is a horse that doesn't stop so when she put the anchors on and shot off to the left it was quite a surprise, even more so when re-presented to it she popped over and continued the course clear as if nothing had happened!!! Attached is the video of our round
Putting that class to one side I thought we'd enter the next class as she was jumping really well and keen. Once again the round started well and approached in much more collected canter into the rustic to make sure we didn't have a repeat performance - how wrong could I be??? This time she took it on then put back down ducking into the bottom of it, slightly unseated but still on board I politely told her off before our 2nd attempt, and again popped over and completed the course jumping all combinations and more spooky fences!
After wondering why it suddenly occured to me Picnic was just proving her point that she would not make a very good working hunter or maxi cob by refusing rustic fences!!! Thanks for clarifying that Picnic.
June 2012 ShowJumpingShire gets a place on the Wiltshire Team
Picnic was one of the horses selected to represent Wiltshire at the National Team Jumping Qualifier at Wales and West.
16 June 2012 Wiltshire had two teams entered for the qualifer and the rain was torrential! Thankfully it eased off as the day went on but we all got very wet.
The first team won the competition in style with a superb jump off and have qualified for the final at Scope!!!
Our team all jumped well and finished as a team on 4 faults but we were still in the prize giving with a respectable 6th place so a good day for Area 42
16 June 2012 Wiltshire had two teams entered for the qualifer and the rain was torrential! Thankfully it eased off as the day went on but we all got very wet.
The first team won the competition in style with a superb jump off and have qualified for the final at Scope!!!
Our team all jumped well and finished as a team on 4 faults but we were still in the prize giving with a respectable 6th place so a good day for Area 42
May 2012 - ShowJumpingShire attends Royal Windsor Horse Show
We entered for the Instructors Challenge Accumulator class which was a lot of fun, even though the weather was awful and more mud than I've ever seen - getting towed in and out with the lorry!
I think the atmosphere was all too much for a Picnic to take as the arena was so big there was too much space for her to lose concentration between fences and argue - we decided to take on the rather large skinny joker fence to clear it then hear the awwwww from the crowd as her toe clipped it and it rolled to the floor, ummm judging by the noise of awwws there was no need to look round! Once again it was a first time learning experience for both of us and we will no doubt be back to try again next year!
I think the atmosphere was all too much for a Picnic to take as the arena was so big there was too much space for her to lose concentration between fences and argue - we decided to take on the rather large skinny joker fence to clear it then hear the awwwww from the crowd as her toe clipped it and it rolled to the floor, ummm judging by the noise of awwws there was no need to look round! Once again it was a first time learning experience for both of us and we will no doubt be back to try again next year!
Apr 2012 - Showjumping Shire attends Blue Chip Championships
So Picnic and the faithful hound (Ranger) set off for Hartpury Arena to spend two days jumping in the international arena.
The arena looked fantastic with all the trade stands, drapes and well designed courses, I was very excited walking the course the first night while Picnic was tucked up in her stable ready for a 7am class start of 150 competitors!!!
Day one - We got into the jump off which was a real buzz as the arena was so spooky I wasn't sure quite what Picnic would think, we had a few moments when coffee perculators went off and scary horseboxes were parked in the arena but we got round only to have the 2nd from last fence down in the jump off.
Day two - Picnic was very distracted and she was a little big for her boots charging round like a bull in a china shop, amazingly we got round but did take a pole or two with us. The main achievement was getting through the tunnel entrance as she nearly took half the arena party out making a sharp reverse manouver!
We were still over the moon to have got to the Blue Chip Championships - theres always next year!
The arena looked fantastic with all the trade stands, drapes and well designed courses, I was very excited walking the course the first night while Picnic was tucked up in her stable ready for a 7am class start of 150 competitors!!!
Day one - We got into the jump off which was a real buzz as the arena was so spooky I wasn't sure quite what Picnic would think, we had a few moments when coffee perculators went off and scary horseboxes were parked in the arena but we got round only to have the 2nd from last fence down in the jump off.
Day two - Picnic was very distracted and she was a little big for her boots charging round like a bull in a china shop, amazingly we got round but did take a pole or two with us. The main achievement was getting through the tunnel entrance as she nearly took half the arena party out making a sharp reverse manouver!
We were still over the moon to have got to the Blue Chip Championships - theres always next year!
Jan 2012 - ShowjumpingShire qualifies for Blue Chip
Out of a huge class of about 80 competitors Picnic jumped a fantastic first round to get into the jump off to land 2nd place at Berkshire College!!!
YouTube video link - Berkshire College Blue Chip Discovery Jump Off
We also had a great outing at Merrist Wood trying to qualify for another Blue Chip class but narrowly missed out with 4 faults and there were very few clears! Picnic jumped a fantastic round as the jump off was full up max height of 1.20m
YouTube video link - Berkshire College Blue Chip Discovery Jump Off
We also had a great outing at Merrist Wood trying to qualify for another Blue Chip class but narrowly missed out with 4 faults and there were very few clears! Picnic jumped a fantastic round as the jump off was full up max height of 1.20m
YouTube video link- Merrist Wood 1.05m Speed Class
YouTube video link - Merrist Wood Blue Chip Power qualifier
Showjumping Shire attends Scope Festival
A great time was had and the British weather was just as good for the three days we spent in Stafford.
Although no prizes were won a great experience was had and every round we jumped felt better and better - we were just cursed by 4 faults all week!!!
Although no prizes were won a great experience was had and every round we jumped felt better and better - we were just cursed by 4 faults all week!!!
ShowjumpingShire wins her first Newcomers
Somerford Show 2010 - 1st place Newcomers
Luck was on the showjumping shires side when she was the only horse to jump a double clear in the Newcomers class. The last fence on the course was catching everyone out and the jump off looked absolutely huge - even to a Picnic!

To our amazement when a cheer from the crowd developed we realised the last fence was still in place and were the only combination that day to do so, very happy horse and rider to have tackled a 1.20m jump off successfully!!!

To our amazement when a cheer from the crowd developed we realised the last fence was still in place and were the only combination that day to do so, very happy horse and rider to have tackled a 1.20m jump off successfully!!!
Round up of events 2008/9
2008 - 2009
Decision had been made to have a go at affiliated showjumping! Membership cards arrived and 'Picnic' was now known as 'Zara Warrior Princess'
Our First outing was at Summerhouse in Gloucester to enter the British Novice class. A double clear was the aim of the day but after a swift jump off we ended up in 2nd place in a strong class
We ventured to Cheltenham Racecourse to have a go at the Ruxton 1.05m Derby and although we had a few poles down being a bold Shire horse the derby fences posed no challenge!!!
The rest of 2009 we continued to enter the British Novice and Discovery classes for experience and during the winter months got used to the surprised looks when the indoor arenas echoed with the sound of the shire horse footfalls to see the agility of a thoroughbred in the jump offs!!!
Decision had been made to have a go at affiliated showjumping! Membership cards arrived and 'Picnic' was now known as 'Zara Warrior Princess'
Our First outing was at Summerhouse in Gloucester to enter the British Novice class. A double clear was the aim of the day but after a swift jump off we ended up in 2nd place in a strong class
We ventured to Cheltenham Racecourse to have a go at the Ruxton 1.05m Derby and although we had a few poles down being a bold Shire horse the derby fences posed no challenge!!!

A brief introduction
The showjumpingshire, otherwise known as 'Picnic', a Shire x TB mare with a great personality and plenty of attitude!
Picnic began showjumping in 2008 and had little previous experience and very low mileage. She was bought as a project horse to have some fun on in 2007 and did various unaffiliated activities. Dressage was never her strong point due to her nosiness and general short attention span, this also ruled out eventing as even though she'd jump double clear the dressage score added with time faults (shires weren't bred to gallop) meant we were never really in with a chance. However showjumping seemed to suit her as she had scope, agility and power with an attitude in the ring - However Picnics are quite temperamental!!!

So Picnic turned her hoof to showjumping (with her owner) both had never ridden affiliated before so after deciding showjumping was a path they'd like to take they started affialited BSJA and have never looked back.
We hope you will enjoy following the showjumpingshire on her adventures in the showjumping world and show that all a horse needs is a big heart and trust in the rider and its amazing what they can achieve.

So Picnic turned her hoof to showjumping (with her owner) both had never ridden affiliated before so after deciding showjumping was a path they'd like to take they started affialited BSJA and have never looked back.
We hope you will enjoy following the showjumpingshire on her adventures in the showjumping world and show that all a horse needs is a big heart and trust in the rider and its amazing what they can achieve.
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