
Timing is everything...

The diary is back out and we are looking at planning some outings, Picnics fitness programme is going well although she is on a diet along with Socks due to the breakthrough of that Spring grass - I have threatened grazing muzzles if their waistlines don't decrease at the weekly weigh in.

Major achievement of the week goes to Socks for going out the yard for the first time all by herself, she walked down the drive like a pro and even made it past scary gateways and signs, brave pony!  Her flatwork is really progressing well in the school and she is much more workmanlike without losing her cheeky character after coming back from her winter break and has filled out nicely. 

Next week we have a two day senior instructors flatwork clinic to look forward to, I thought I'd take Picnic along to work on our canter as a little warm up before we get back out competing.  It's held at the fabulous
Unicorn Trust organised by the TTT, I attended last year with Socks and gained a lot from the two days away as well as the fabulous food!

Timing however is everything... so far events that have also happened this week include the lorry failing its plating - so fingers crossed the garage can fit a retest in before next week and my jumping saddle breaking - ummm yes thats right, while jumping at home I heard a big cracking sound on landing followed by Picnic bucking, turns out the front plate had broken clean in two pieces - good job I wasn't out at a competition!  It is now in being replaced and will hopefully be back in time too.  

I'm also on the lookout for a new horse to add to the team now I have found Flynn a super home.  The potential horses I have found so far the viewings have been unsuccessful and I don't seem to be able to find what I'm looking for just yet... another Shire x TB would be perfect!


A bit of sun a lot of rain and Picnics back jumping

We had a lovely albeit brief spell of sunshine which thankfully lasted long enough to make Badminton a great weekend, horses, shopping, picnics and wine - the perfect combination! I went on the Friday with some friends and covered all the above although had an eventful morning prior to getting there which involved nearly getting bronked off my 18 year old mare before 7am!

Flynn has hopefully managed to find a new home and goes off on trial next week to a friend who is going to have him to play with over the summer as I have had virtually no interest from advertising him, it will be a lovely home for him and he'll be spoilt rotten!

The rain has made a return with a vengeance so out come the rugs again and back to soggy jods! Although the weather is miserable I however am not as I finally started jumping Picnic again on Sunday, it's funny with horses how one day jumping at Windsor is the best feeling in the world and the next it's jumping a cross pole at home, your goal posts just keep moving... So fingers crossed the cross pole will soon be in the warm up arena at our first show this year!

Back in 'real' work

Enjoying a bit of early morning sunshine