
Getting going then ... whoops!

Throughout February everything was getting back in full swing, Socks got the all clear to return back to full work, Lara was in the process of being backed and Picnic had her sparkle back.

After surgery on her tendon sheath, Socks had made a text book recovery and all the hard work of in hand walking and sticking to the rehab programme paid off when her leg has almost returned to normal and you have to look really hard to notice where the injury had been, result!

Picnic is back in light work and definitely feeling looser and happier in herself as proved when she got very excited being allowed to trot over a pole and proceeded to leap and hump down the side of the arena with little working breaks (thankful for neck straps).  It is lovely to see her cheeky side back!

Exciting developments with Lara as she is happily walking and trotting under saddle and hacking out very boldly.

Everything was looking very promising for the start of 2014 and finally I had 3 horses soon to be in full work and the diary was on its way out to get planning some outings.  Then a little 'whoops' happened... 

It was a lovely quiet evening and I decided to give Lara a little session in the arena, little did I know that at the bottom end behind the hedge lurked about 50 sheep!  Unfortunately as we were walking down the long side of the arena the sheep decided to all run at once from behind said hedge and appear in full view dashing up the hill, obviously known for their horse hunting abilities Lara took quick action to launch out of danger.  I however didn't take such quick action and got unseated and stylishly (or not) fell straight down full face dive into the floor, not recommended! After an ambulance trip to A&E thankfully no broken bones but lots of bruising, concussion and a very pretty face means I am out of action for a few weeks.  The scan showed the bruising is causing pressure against my spine resulting in pins and needles and basically painful so until the swelling goes down I'm grounded :(